buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Vector Dot Product Explorer style.css header class hero div class hero-content h1 Vector Dot Product Lab p Interactive 3D vector visualization with real-time calculations main class container section class controls div class vector-inputs div class vector-group h3 Vector A div class slider-group label X input type range id ax min -5 max 5 value 2 input type number class number-input value 2 div class slider-group label Y input type range id ay min -5 max 5 value 3 input type number class number-input value 3 div class slider-group label Z input type range id az min -5 max 5 value 1 input type number class number-input value 1 div class vector-group h3 Vector B div class slider-group label X input type range id bx min -5 max 5 value 4 input type number class number-input value 4 div class slider-group label Y input type range id by min -5 max 5 value -1 input type number class number-input value -1 div class slider-group label Z input type range id bz min -5 max 5 value 2 input type number class number-input value 2 section class visualization canvas id vectorCanvas div class result-box p class formula span A · B = span id calculation p 0 class result id dotResult section class explanation h2 How Dot Product Works div class formula-steps p The dot product of two vectors is calculated by: p | A · B = (Ax × Bx) + (Ay × By) + (Az × Bz) class math-formula p It represents the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between them. footer div class footer-content p Created with ♥ by the Math Visualization Community script.js